How Does Web Hosting Affect Search Engine Ranking?
Conducting an SEO ranking check regularly helps ensure your website maintains strong visibility and performance in search engine results. But do you know your website’s search engine optimisation ranking is very closely related to your web host in Australia?
The role of your web hosting package and provider goes beyond the websites and data. It affects your visibility, bounce rates, audience retention, Google ranking and much more. Your domain and hosting provider’s performance directly impacts your key technical aspects.
So, let’s learn how it affects the rankings and how you can improve search engine rankings.
How Web Hosting Affects Search Engine Rankings
● Loading Time
It is said that the acceptable time for your webpage to load is between 0 and 3 seconds. Ideally, it should be under 2 seconds. Due to the reduced attention span of your average customer, it is crucial to maintain this website’s loading speed.…
How Does Web Hosting Affect Search Engine Ranking? Read More